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Opening Hours : 24 Hrs


What is the process for booking an appointment with Dr. Poonam Raikwar?

Answer: You can book an appointment with Dr. Raikwar by calling her clinic or visiting the clinic in person. You can also book an appointment through her website or by contacting her through various social media platforms.

Does Dr. Raikwar accept insurance?

Answer: Yes, Dr. Raikwar's clinic accepts most major insurance plans. You can check with your insurance provider or the clinic to confirm coverage for your specific needs.

Does Dr. Raikwar have experience with high-risk pregnancies?

Answer: Yes, Dr. Raikwar has extensive experience in managing high-risk pregnancies and providing exceptional care for women who have complex pregnancy needs.

What is cosmetic gynecology and does Dr. Raikwar offer these services?

Answer: Cosmetic gynecology is a specialty area of gynecology that focuses on improving the appearance and function of the female reproductive system. Dr. Raikwar offers a range of cosmetic gynecology services, including vaginal rejuvenation and labiaplasty, to help women feel confident and comfortable in their own skin.

How does Dr. Raikwar approach patient care?

Answer: Dr. Raikwar takes a patient-centered approach to care, ensuring that each woman's individual needs and concerns are taken into account. She believes in using a holistic approach to care, incorporating physical, emotional, and psychological well-being into her treatments and plans.